Book Review of
Between Shades of Gray
Lynn's Review

Between the Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys. I wish this historical fiction young adult book had a different title.
I have gotten strange looks when I mention this book. I then have to clarify… NO not that book, this is a YA book with a similar title…
I don’t read a lot of YA. It just isn’t a genre that I enjoy. However, I read The Fountains of Silence back in 2020 and enjoyed it so much that I knew I wanted to read Ruta Sepetys’ other books. This one has been in my stack since then and I finally picked it up. I loved this book! It is a YA book that adults will enjoy too.
It is set in WWII Lithuania and Siberia. Lina’s life is changed forever when the Soviet Secret Police take her and her family from their home. I have read a lot of WWII books, but not a lot on that part of Russia and Europe during WWII.
This was a tough book to read because it deals with tough topics. War, starvation, abuse, and more, but Ruta Sepetys deals with it in a way that is so well done. This book would be a great one to read with your teens because there is so much to discuss in this one. And because it is about Russia it also relates to current events.
I LOVED this book. It sucked je in from the first scene. Like you said, it’s not an easy read, but it is so well written.
I read it when it first came out, not long after that other book, so I know what you mean about the looks.
I would recommend I Must Betray You, her newest book. It reminded me of this book in how it grabbed me and didn’t let go.
I Must Betray You is on my to be read list. I love her writing and can’t wait to read more of her books.