Book Review of
Lynn's Review

Cabin by Patrick Hutchison is a memoir published in 2024.
I love all kinds of memoirs. I love fast-paced true crime memoirs, and I like slow-paced ones like this book about building a cabin in the woods in Washington State.
This book is about a dream to escape and live in a secluded cabin in the woods. But can you really escape it all? No, because you still have to live and work. What a cabin in the woods can be is an escape from day to day life and a way to stop and enjoy the simple things in life.
Patrick Hutchison was a writer who was tired of the corporate life, so he bought a cabin in the woods of the Cascade Mountains of Washington.
Technically, he bought a cabin, but it isn’t much of a cabin. With the help of some friends, he turns it into the perfect weekend gateway, even if it lacks water and electricity.
I love books set in the Pacific Northwest, so the setting is what drew me into this book. But I also loved that this book reminded me of the importance of slowing down and unplugging from the world.
The world can be noisy. Or maybe I should say is noisy and loud. The online world has many benefits, but it can be hard to get away. Sometimes you need to turn it all off and enjoy the simple and quiet things.
In many ways, that is what Patrick Hutchinson did. He bought a cabin so that he could occasionally escape the noise.
Not a lot of exciting things happen in this book. It is simply the story of Patrick and his cabin. It won’t be for everyone, but I really enjoyed it.