Crow Talk book review

Book Review of
Crow Talk

Author: Eileen Garvin
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Lynn's Review

Crow Talk book review

Crow Talk by Eileen Garvin was published in 2024.

Set in the Pacific Northwest, Crow Talk is a book about family, love, grief, nature, and so much more. 

The two main characters, Frankie O’Neill and Anne Ryan, appear to have nothing in common, but after meeting at a lake high in the mountains, they end up with a lot in common. 

Authors often write about places they love, but when an author writes about a place that they are passionate about, it makes all the difference in their writing.

I enjoyed the story of this book, but what I enjoyed more was the descriptive writing about the people and places in the Pacific Northwest. 

I grew up in the far northwest corner of Oregon. I now live in Oklahoma, but all my family still lives in Oregon and southern Washington. The Pacific Northwest is a place I know and love. Eileen Garvin does, too and it shows up so well in her writing. 

The book is set in the late 1990s, with memories back to the years earlier. 

Eileen Garvin does a great job describing the people, the place, the politics, the wildlife, the mountains, and so much more. When I read this book, I felt like I was back in Oregon. Eileen Garvin gets the Pacific Northwest because she lives there, which is why I loved this book. 

I will say that I had trouble liking several of the characters. I also thought some of the talk about crows was a little overdone, even for a book titled Crow Talk. But if you want a book that helps you travel to the Pacific Northwest through reading, this is a great one. 

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