Deadly Scandal book review

Book Review of
Deadly Scandal

Author: Kate Parker
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Lynn's Review

Deadly Scandal book review

Deadly Scandal by Kate Parker is a historical mystery that was published in 2016.

Kate Parker is the author of The Victorian Bookshop Mysteries, which I read quite a few years ago. When I realized that she had other mystery series, I knew that I wanted to read them. 

I was looking for an audiobook on Everand when I realized they had the first few books in Kate Parker’s Deadly series. I decided to give the series a try. 

I enjoyed this one.

Olivia Denis’s life is shattered when her husband, who is a Foreign Office dignitary, is killed. Everyone thinks that it was suicide. Olivia knows it was not. She is determined to prove that it was murder. 

I liked the historical pre-WWII setting in this book and look forward to reading more in the series. 

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