Just Add Water book review

Book Review of
Just Add Water

Author: Katie Ledecky
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Lynn's Review

Just Add Water book review

Just Add Water by Katie Ledecky is a memoir published in 2024.

Katie Ledecky is one of the greatest swimmers of all time. She has won more individual Olympic races than any other other female. 

I am not a huge sports fan, but I love the Olympics. I love watching the athletes compete. They work for years to make it to the Olympics, and it is so much fun to watch them compete and win. 

I love to read memoirs, and I love all kinds of different ones. I read Christian memoirs, celebrity memoirs, sports memoirs, and more. 

I was familiar with Katie Ledecky from watching the Olympics, but I don’t know anything else about her. 

I recently read that she had a new memoir out where she talks about having POTS, something she hasn’t talked about before. 

I also have POTS, so I was very interested in what she would say about it in her memoir. She is an Olympic athlete who has won a ton of medals, yet she has a health condition that many people struggle to keep under control. 

If you are not familiar with POTS, it stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It affects your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow. Your body often struggles to maintain a steady heart rate and blood pressure. There is more medical that goes on, but that is the simplified version of it, 

I enjoyed this memoir. I knew nothing about the competitive swimming world and what it takes to become an Olympic swimmer. 

I thought Katie Ledecky did a great job sharing the work and sacrifices required to become an Olympic athlete. 

However, the book contained very little about POTS. I thought it would cover a lot about her POTS, but it is only covered in a couple of paragraphs. 

She doesn’t provide many details or discuss how she has worked to overcome it. It was basically, “This is what I have, and this is what it is,” which was a little disappointing since that is the reason I wanted to read the book. 

I am still glad that I read the book, and if you enjoy memoirs, especially sports memoirs, you will probably enjoy them. 

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