Rulebreaker book review

Book Review of

Author: Susan Page
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Lynn's Review

Rulebreaker book review

Rulebreaker by Susan Page is a biography of Barbara Walters published in 2024.

You might know the name Barbara Walters, but do you know how much she changed journalism and TV interviews?

She was a groundbreaker for women in TV news. She traveled the world interviewing presidents and celebrities. 

I love biographies and memoirs because they give you a glimpse into a world you may not know. 

That is exactly what this book does. It is about Barbara Walters, but it also takes you into the world of TV and celebrity interviews during the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. 

I remember watching Barbara Walters on 20/20 and occasional celebrity interviews, but I did not know a lot about her. I found her journey to become who she was fascinating. 

You might not agree with everything Barbara Walters did or believed, but it her life made for an interesting read. 

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