Book Review of
Running on Red Dog Road
“Mining companies piled trash coal in a slag heap and set it ablaze. The coal burned up, but the slate didn’t. The heat turned it rose and orange and lavender. The dirt road I lived on was paved with that sharp-edged rock. We called it red dog. Grandma said, Don’t you go running on that red dog road. But I do.”
Grace's Review
I always have a book going on my kindle app on my phone, and for part of this fall semester this was my book that I had going.
Running on Red Dog Road is the story a girl living in the back woods during World War II time period. I thought that it gave a good view of her childhood even though it was probably a little faulty as she was a child, which as children we do not remember things the same way as they happened. This is why I question the accuracy of the book, but besides that it was a good read.
It was not the best book that I have ever read, but I found it rather easy to put down and pick up as I do when I read a book on my phone. The thing that I did find most fascinating was that Drema’s older brother had a handicap, and it was interesting to read about her view of him and the medical attention he received back in the day. If you like reading different types of stories, then you’ll enjoy this one.