Have you ever wondered what books were published in 1923? Or what books were published 100 years ago?
1923 was one hundred years ago. A lot has changed in both the writing world and the world in general since 1923.

1923 was after WWI but before The Dust Bowl and WWII.
In 1923 Roy and Walt Disney founded The Walt Disney Company. The first brain tumor operation was performed. The first issue of Time Magazine was published. And vice President Calvin Coolidge became the 30th U.S. President after the death of Warren G. Harding.
Those are just a few of the things that happened in 1923. The books published in 1923 also reflected the culture and the state of the world at that time.
Books Published In 1923
It would be hard to list all the books that were published in 1923. This list is a list of popular books and books that have stood the test of time over the last one hundred years.

Whose Body by Dorothy L. Sayers. This is the first book in the well-known Lord Peter Wimsey mystery series.

Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery. From the author of Anne of Green Gables this is book one in her Emily Starr trilogy.

The Murder On the Links by Agatha Christie. A classic book in the Hercule Poirot mystery series. I read this one in 2021 and enjoyed it, although it is not my favorite Agatha Christie book.

Bambi by Felix Salten. This is the novel that the well-knownwn Bambi movie was based on.

A Lost Lady by Willa Cather. A novel by Pulitzer Prize winning American author Willa Cather.

Powder and Patch by Georgette Heyer. Georgette Heyer has been called the queen of regency romance. I own several of her, books but have yet to read one. Which one should I start with?

The Incredibility of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton. A collection of Father Brown mysteries.

New Hampshire by Robert Frost. A book of poems by Robert Frost first published in 1923.

Doctor Dolittle’s Post Office by Hugh Lofting. My kids loved Doctor Dolittle’s books when they were younger, but I don’t remember reading this one.

The Rustlers of Pecos County by Zane Grey. Grace loves Zane Grey’s books and owns almost all of them.