Is a book blogger allowed to have a bad reading month? I hope so because my March 2022 reading was not that great.

Great reading is relative though. I did read four books, two of which were over 500 pages. For a lot of people that would be a great reading month. For me, it was definitely less than normal.
And I know exactly why I read less in March.
I watched more t.v. than normal. I watched way too many movies, shows, and news programs. I also found myself scrolling social media way too much.
None of that is wrong, but I find that it drains me. Reading fills me up and encourages me.
At the moment the news and social media stress me out. Do you feel the same way?
I am working on getting both of those things back under control. Less mindless scrolling and watching t.v. and more intentional reading is my goal for April.
Here are the four books I read in March. It includes a nonfiction audiobook, a historical fiction, a mystery, and a nonfiction book that I loved.
March 2022 Reads

Beginners Mind by Yo-Yo Ma
This was an audiobook that I listened to. It caught my attention because it was an Audible original and it was less than two hours. It was good, and since it was short it didn’t take too much time to listen to, but it wasn’t what I expected.
I thought it would be more about Yo-Yo Ma’s life story. He did share some of his story, but it was more reflective than I expected. I felt like he shared more of his thoughts on life more than he did about his life. I did enjoy the music that played throughout the book. If you are a Yo-Yo Ma fan you might enjoy this one. If not I would probably say skip it.

Island Queen by Vanessa Riley
I added Island Queen to my to-be-read list after seeing the author interviewed last year. I have so many mixed thoughts on this historical fiction book. This one won’t be for everyone, so be sure to read my full review. I feel like there is a lot to discuss though on this book. If you have read it I would love to hear what you thought of it.

Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe
Empire of Pain was a five star read for me. This one will probably be on my favorite books of the year list. if you love nonfiction this is one you will probably enjoy. You can read my full review here.

The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman
As soon as I read The Thursday Murder Club earlier this year, I knew that I wanted to read the second book in the series The Man Who Died Twice. If you love cozy mystery type books this is a fun series. You can read my full review here.
I’m so happy when you post, because I almost always find a book I want to read.
I just added a hold on Empire of Pain with my library. I’ve lost count of how many books I’ve read that you recommended.
I think we have very similar reading tastes. I am so glad you enjoy seeing what I have been reading. I hope that you enjoy Empire of Pain. It wasn’t a fast read for me because it goes into a lot of detail about the family and their businesses, but I found it a fascinating read. It is amazing/sad what all the family did and was involved with when it comes to the medical world. I would love to hear what you think after you read it.