It is the first of November and that means it is time for another This Month In History.

November In History
November is election month and that means a lot of history regarding U.S. Presidents and the government have happened in November. This month includes Presidential facts, the first woman governor, the White House, the end of WWI, and more.
November 1st
- 1800 John Adams moved into the White House. It was originally called the President’s House, but is now known as the White House.
November 2nd
- 1795 James Polk, the 11th U.S. President, was born.
- 1865 Warren G. Harding, the 29th U.S. President, was born.
- 1948 Harry Truman defeated Thomas Dewey, but the Chicago Tribune mistakenly declared that Thomas Dewey won the presidential election in an early edition of the newspaper published on November 3rd.
November 3rd
- 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson defeats Barry M. Goldwater in a landslide. It was also the first time that the residents of the District of Columbia, voted in a presidential election.
November 4th
- 1924 Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first woman elected U.S. governor after winning the Wyoming election.
- 1946 Laura Bush, wife of President George W. Bush, was born.
November 5th
- 1911 Roy Rogers, actor and singer known for being a singing cowboy, was born.
- 1912 Woodrow Wilson won the election to become the twenty-eighth U.S. President.
- 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second U.S. President, was elected for a third term.
November 6th
- 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected the sixteenth U.S. President. He was the first Republican to win the office of U.S. President.
- 1861 Jefferson Davis is elected president of the Confederate States of America.
November 7th
- 1916 Jeannette Rankin became the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress when she won the Montana U.S. House of Representatives election.
- 2000 Hillary Clinton became the first First Lady elected to the U.S. Senate when she won the New York election for Senator.
November 8th
- 1887 Doc Holliday, dentist, gambler, and an Old West gunman, died from tuberculosis in Colorado at the age of 36.
- 1960 John F. Kennedy was elected the thirty fifth U.S. President. He was the youngest man elected and the first Catholic to be elected.
- 2016 Donald Trump became the forty-fifth U.S. President when he defeated Hillary Clinton.
November 9th
- 1906 U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, began his travel to Panama to observe the construction of the Panama Canal. It was the first foreign trip by a U.S. President.
- 1918 Spiro Agnew, the thirty ninth U.S Vice President, was born.
November 10th
- 1775 The U.S. Marine Corps was founded in Pennsylvania. They were originally called the Continental Marines.
November 11
- 1889 Washington became the forty-second state in the U.S.
- 1918 WWI, also known as the Great War, ends when Germany signs an armistice agreement with the Allies.
November 12
- 1954 Ellis Island closed after processing millions of immigrants since it opening in 1892.
November 13
- 1850 Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island, was born.
- 1940 The Disney movie, Fantasia was released.
November 14th
- 1840 French Painter, Claude Monet, was born.
- 1851 The book Moby Dick, by Herman Melville was first published.
November 15th
- 1926 The National Broadcasting Company, NBC, was launched on twenty-four radio stations.
November 16th
- 1907 Oklahoma became the forty-sixth U.S. state.
- 2001 The first Harry Potter film debuts in the U.S.
November 17th
- 1558 Elizabeth I became Queen of England when her half sister Queen Mary I died. This began what is known as the Elizabethan Age.
- 1869 The Suez Canal opened in Egypt connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
November 18th
- 1883 The U.S. and Canadian railroads began using time zones. Before this date, time was a local matter and was at times very confusing. The railroad instituting four continental time zones made it less confusing, although it took time for people to embrace the change that had been made.
- 1945 Wilma Mankiller, first female chief of the Cherokee Nation, was born.
- 1959 Ben-Hur the American movie starring Charlton Heston premiered.
November 19th
- 1831 James Garfield, the twentieth U.S. President, was born.
- 1863 Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. It became one of the most famous speeches in American history.
November 20th
- 1923 American inventor Garrett Morgan, patented the automatic traffic signal.
- 1945 The Nuremberg Trials began in Nuremberg, Germany. These trials were conducted to bring Nazi war criminals to justice.
- 1947 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were married at Westminster Abbey in London.
November 21st
- 1877 Thomas Edison announced the invention of the phonograph, which was a way to record and play back sound.
- 1976 The Movie Rocky, starring Sylvester Stallone, debuted.
November 22nd
- 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was the fourth president to be assassinated.
- 1990 Margaret Thatcher, the first woman British Prime Minister, resigned. While Prime Minister her nickname become the ‘Iron Lady” because of her uncompromising political style.
- 2005 Angela Merkel became the first woman Chancellor of Germany.
November 23rd
- 1859 Outlaw and gunman, Billy the Kid, was born.
- 1863 The Civil War Battle, The Battle of Chattanooga, began as Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman drove the Confederate Army out of Tennessee.
November 24th
- 1784 Zachery Taylor, the twelfth U.S. President, was born.
- 1874 Barbed wire, a product that changed the American West and fencing, was patented.
November 25th
- 1867 Alfred Nobel, creator of the Nobel Peace Prize, patented dynamite in the U.S.
- 1884 Evaporated milk was patented in the U.S.
November 26th
- 1922 Charles Schulz, American cartoonist and author of Peanuts, was born.
- 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt establishes modern day Thanksgiving as the fourth Thursday in November.
- 1942 The movie Casablanca, staring Humphrey Bogart, premiered.
November 27th
- 1924 Macy’s holds its first Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City.
November 28th
- 1582 Eighteen year old William Shakespeare married twenty-six year old Anne Hathaway
- 1925 The Grand Ole Opry began broadcasting from Nashville, TN.
November 29th
- 1898 C.S. Lewis, English author and writer of The Chronicles of Narnia, was born.
- 1918 Madeleine L’Engle, author of Wrinkle in Time, was born.
November 30th
- 1835 American author Mark Twain was born.
- 1874 Lucy M. Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables, was born.
- 1874 British leader Winston Churchill, who led Great Britain through WWII, was born.