What I Read January 2025

It is time to share what I read in January of 2025.

Stack of January Reads 2025

My reading goal for 2025 is to learn more by reading books. I want to focus on books that teach me things I did not know and take me places I will never go.

I also want to read three nonfiction books per month. My goal is for one of them to be a memoir, one of them a nonfiction history-type biography or true crime book, and one Christian nonfiction book.

My goal is to focus on quality over quantity. I will still read some lighter, fun reads, but I want most of my reading to focus on teaching me something.

The number of books I read in January was good but not great. At least, it’s not great for me. I only read seven books. Most of the time, I read more than ten books a month.

However, the quality of the books I read was great. I read three nonfiction books, and I hit my goal when it comes to nonfiction.

When it comes to my January 2025 reading, I think it was a successful month. I focused on what I read, not the number of books I read.

What I read in January 2025

I am sharing briefly on each book I read in January. You can click the book’s title for more details and a full review.

Fiction Reads

The British Booksellers book

The British Booksellers by Kristy Cambron was published in 2024. It is a historical fiction book that covers both WWI and WWII. It follows a tenant farmer and an earl’s daughter. It is also about books and a bookstore.

Maria book

Maria by Michelle Moran is a historical fiction book about The Sound of Music published in 2024.

This book mixes the story of Maria von Trapp with the story of The Sound of Music movie. If you love The Sound of Music or books about Hollywood and movies, I think you will enjoy this one.

The Seaside Homecoming

The Seaside Homecoming by Julie Klassen was my light and fun read for the month. This is book three in the series, and I enjoyed it for what it was. It was the right book for when I was sick and had trouble focusing on other reading.

The Stolen Queen Book

The Stolen Queen by Fiona Davis is a historical fiction book about Egypt, art, and fashion. This book is part historical fiction and part mystery. I loved it.


Eden Undone book

Eden Undone by Abbott Kahler is one of the most bizarre true crime books I have read in a while. A group of people try to create a utopia on a Galapagos island, but will it work?

It Wasn't Roaring It Was Weeping Book review

It Wasn’t Roaring It Was Weeping by Lisa-Jo Baker is a memoir about Lisa-Jo Baker’s life growing up in South Africa.

It is about her family, their legacy, and forgiveness. I have a goal to read one memoir a month in 2025. This was the memoir I read for January, and I enjoyed it.

Christain Nonfiction

Now and Not Yet Book

Now and Not Yet by Ruth Chou Simons is a Christian book about waiting when we want more. This book was the reminder I needed that God uses the hard things for His glory and our good.

What did you read in January?

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