A Meal with Jesus

Book Review of
A Meal With Jesus

Author: Tim Chester
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Lynn's Review

A Meal with Jesus

A Meal with Jesus by Tim Chester was published in 2011. It in a book about Christian hospitality.

A Meal with Jesus is about sharing Christ through community, friendships, and meals. 

This year, I have been reading books on hospitality. I want to work on this area, and I think it is lacking in today’s culture, especially Christian culture. 

Meals are part of everyday life, so they are an excellent opportunity to share our lives and how Christ has impacted them with others, 

This is a short book, but it took me a while to read. I read it slowly and spent time thinking about each chapter.

The chapters are Meals as Enacted Grace, Meals as Enacted Community, Meals as Enacted Hope, Meals as Enacted Missios, Meals as Enacted Salvation, and Meals as Enacted Promise. 

Each chapter shows how you can use meals and eating together to show grace, hope, promise, etc. 

It reminds you to look outside your comfort zone to reach those who need a friend the most. In showing friendship, you will show Christ. 

Eating meals together brings people together in a casual setting and helps them open up. It is much easier to share about life and hardships over a meal. 

A Meal with Jesus was a reminder to me that we need to open up our homes and our hearts more often. We need to share Christ by sharing meals with others. 

At one point, the author said he did not like church potluck and fellowship meals because they are stale and cold. I’m afraid I have to disagree with that. I love church potlucks and dinners. I have been to a few cold and unfriendly church dinners, but I have also been to some amazing church potlucks. When done right, church potlucks allow people to fellowship together that might not always get to. It also makes many people feel welcome because the food is welcoming. 

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