Book Review of
A Royal Christmas
Lynn's Review

A Royal Christmas by Melody Carlson is a Christmas book published in 2023.
Yes, I read a Christmas book in September. Reading a holiday book months before the holidays is part of book reviewing and blogging, making reading more work than fun. However, this book was not work to read. It was actually an easy read, even if it was out of season.
A Royal Christmas is definitely a Hallmark Movie in book form. Or maybe more like the movie Princess Diaries in book form.
I have read a few Melody Carlson Christmas books and a Hallmark movie in book form is how I would describe them That doesn’t make them bad books, it just makes it clear what you are getting.
Would I want to read these types of books all the time, no, but I do enjoy reading a few of them a year. They make for quick, easy, fun reads.
Adelaide Smtih is working hard to finish up her final year of law school when she receives a letter about her father. The father that she has never known. It turns out he was a prince who is now a king. Her life changes forever.
A Royal Christmas has romance, humor, and of course Christmas. It is predictable and a bit cheesy. I could also name at least three of four movies that I think probably inspired it but it was still fun to read.
I will say that it is under two hundred pages. It is a novella, not a book. I would get this one from your library or on an ebook deal. Don’t pay full price for this one.