Extraordinary Hospitality book review

Book Review of
Extraordinary Hospitality

Author: Carolyn Lacey
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Lynn's Review

Extraordinary Hospitality book review

Extraordinary Hospitality by Carolyn Lacey has been in my to-be-read stack for several years. Jessica at Life As Mom and I were discussing hospitality, and she mentioned that she had bought this book to read. When she found out that I had a copy, she asked if I wanted to read it and discuss it. I instantly said yes! 

This book is short and fairly quick to read. I am glad I read it. It made for a good discussion with Jessica. We talked about hospitality, what we have learned over the years, and how this book encouraged us to step outside our comfort zone. 

Extraordinary Hospitality was more about loving others than actual hospitality in our homes. It reminded me that hospitality is not about me or my house. It is about serving others by opening up my home and life to others. 

It is about paying attention to others’ needs. Sometimes, that means inviting others into our homes, and sometimes, it means taking a meal to someone; sometimes, it involves meeting a friend for coffee, or other times, it means simply being the shoulder someone needs to cry on. 

Overall, the book was a good reminder that hospitality is not about us but about God and others. It wasn’t my favorite book on hospitality, though. My all-time favorite book on hospitality is still The Gospel Comes with a House Key.  

I will also add that I did not love chapter four. I didn’t think the Biblical example she used fit the point that she was trying to make. If you have read this book, I would love to hear if you agree or disagree with me. 

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