Book Review of
Friday Night Lights
Return once again to the timeless account of the Permian Panthers of Odessa—the winningest high-school football team in Texas history. Socially and racially divided, Odessa isn’t known to be a place big on dreams, but every Friday night from September to December, when the Panthers play football, dreams can come true.
Grace's Review

I enjoyed reading Friday Night Lights. It was an interesting insight into the culture of Texas and football. If you enjoy football or books that talk a lot about race relation in the 1900’s, then this is probably a book for you. You do need to know a bit about football to keep up with this book though. I will warn you that it is a little choppy and most likely nothing like the movie. I enjoyed the personal stories that were in it, but there were so many that it was difficult to keep them straight. This was not the most well-written book, but still insightful to a culture and society that is obsessed with football.