Book Review of
Ghosts of Honolulu
Lynn's Review

Ghosts of Honolulu by Mark Harmon and Leon Carroll Jr. is a nonfiction WWII book.
This book was an impulse buy at Costco. I had not heard of the book and when I saw it, I thought it sounded like an interesting story.
It is the story of a Japanese spy and a Japanese American Spy during WWII.It covers some of the events leading up to Pearl Harbor, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the months and years following it.
This was an interesting story. I have read quite a bit about Hawaii during WWII and about Japanese Americans during WWII, but I have not read a lot about these two spies.
However, this wasn’t the best written. I found the lives of Douglas Wada and Takeo Yoshikawa fascinating, but I struggled to finish this book because the writing just wasn’t compelling. I think the authors could have done more research and given more details to make the lives of Douglas Wada and Takeo Yoshikawa more interesting. The book seemed like a simple or condensed version of their lives.
I wish I could say I loved this book, but I didn’t.