Book Review of
In the Garden of Beasts

Author: Erik Larson
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Lynn's Review

In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson is a WWII nonfiction book published in 2011.

In the Garden of Beasts is set in 1933, the years before WWII. It follows William E. Dodd as he becomes the first ambassador to Hitler’s Germany. 

William Dodd was a professor living in Chicago when his family gave up American life to move to Germany when Hitler was on the rise and the persecution of Jews was beginning. 

Dodd and his family had hopes of making a difference in Germany, but as time went along, they saw the true nature and horror of Hitler’s Germany. However, many don’t believe Dodd when he tries to voice his concerns about Germany and Hitler.

This book is not my favorite, Erik Larson, but I am glad I read it. I didn’t find it as narrative nonfiction as some of his other books. It had many more details, and I found it a bit drier than some of her other books. It ended up being a slower read for me. However, I am glad that I took the time to read it. It is an important topic that I think many need to know about. 

Many people love to read about WWII, but not nearly as many know about the events that led to WWII. This book sheds light on some of these details. 

People in Europe, especially Germany, were sounding the alarm about what was happening, but many people worldwide, and in America, were not listening. 

I enjoyed learning some of the details about life in Germany before WWI. It reminded me that government is not simple. It doesn’t always work efficiently; it often does not. 

It also reminded me that many people in politics and government jobs are more concerned about themselves than others. 

In other words, politics has not changed that much in the last hundred years. 

If you like to learn about history, especially WWII, you will probably enjoy this one. Just know that it may be a slower read. 

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