Book Review of
The Diamond Eye
Lynn's Review

The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn is based on the true story of a women sniper during WWII. Hitler’s invasion of Ukraine and Russia changed Mila Pavlichenko’s life. She gave up her library job, left her son and parents, and become a sniper. She was known as Lady Death and after 300 kills was a national heroine.
This book was an impulse buy at Costco a few weeks ago. I went to Costco before I had a doctor’s appointment and I forgot to bring a book or my Kindle with me to read while I was waiting at the doctor’s. I didn’t need another book, but it was a great excuse to buy one. I am so glad I made this impulse book purchase.
I think this is the first Kate Quinn book that I have read. I have The Rose Code is in my TBR pile, but I have yet to pick it up. If it is anything like The Diamond Eye I am sure I will love it.
The Diamond Eye is so well researched and written. It is based on the real life story of a Russian sniper, who was a woman, during WWII. It is an amazing and fascinating story.
One of the reasons I love this book, and that it was the perfect book for the me to read right now, is that it takes place mainly in Ukraine during WWII. The main character in the book, and a good portion of the story, is set in the same area that Russia is currently invading in Ukraine.
So not only is this a great book about WWII, it helps you connect to what is happening today with Russia and Ukraine.
I loved the author’s note at the end where she talks about what was real and what she filled in. I am picky about my historical fiction because too many authors stray too far from fact, but I think Kate Quinn did a great job on this one.
I will say that the end took a twist that is not factual at all, which I didn’t love, but it did fit the story and I could totally see it happening.
Also, the book is PG-13 in some spots. I know I have some readers that like advance warning on that.