Book Review of
Through the Eyes of a Lion
Chapter themes include:
- Don’t rely on the naked eye
- Run towards the roar
- There’s no such thing as a wireless anchor
- Let God use your pain
- Cue the eagle
Lynn's Review

My husband read Through the Eyes of a Lion and told me that I had to read it. He really enjoyed it and thought I would too. Levi Lusko is a pastor that lost his five year old daughter due to an asthma attack. The book shares the journey that Levi and his family take in learning to thank and serve God through the pain.
After reading this book, I agreed with my husband; it is an excellent book. It doesn’t contain anything ground breaking. It simply shares their story of serving God in the midst of the death of their daughter. The writing style of this book is not my favorite. It more of a modern day blog post style writing, but the story makes it readable and worth your time. This would be a good book to give as a gift to someone going through a very difficult time. Trials strengthen us and make us who we are. They help us serve God and serve others. This book is a reminder of that.
I will say that chapter three might be the hardest chapter of a book that I have ever had to read. I have had asthma since I was a young kid. Two of my kids have asthma. My mom and several other family members have asthma. Many people don’t understand the feeling of not being able to breathe and not knowing if your medicine will work. It is a horrible feeling. I have been made fun of and been told so many nasty things over the years about my asthma. So many people have it, yet so many people lack the knowledge of what it is really like to live with. People die from asthma all the time even in our world of modern medicine. I was in tears when reading chapter three. I put down the book three times in order to get through that one chapter. Reading the description of a five year old dying from something I can clearly relate to was hard but in a good way. If you have asthma or know someone that does, have a Kleenex ready for chapter three.