Favorite Books of 2016 (Grace)

Grace's 2016 Books

I read 100 books in 2016. I read seven in the last week, so I could make it to 100 books.  I know a lot of people think 100 books is a lot, but it isn’t for me.

In 2015 I read 150 books. I am quite glad that I was able to hit 100 books in 2016, but my goal for 2017 is to read more books than my mom and her goal is 100 books. So, I will have quite a bit of reading to do in 2017!

I believe that reading is a great activity that helps expand the mind, which is why I enjoy reading a variety of books. I do enjoy my fun reads, yet I find history books fascinating too. I thought I would share a few of my favorites from 2016.

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