The Characters of Easter by Daniel Darling shares the story of the villains, heroes, cowards, and crooks who witnessed history’s biggest miracle.

It is Sunday and that means it is time for another Sunday Reading.
If you are a new reader, Sunday reading is what we call the posts that we do once a month on Sundays.
It is a chance for Grace and I to share Christian books that we don’t normally share on our site. If you see the title Sunday reading you will know that it will be a Christian book.
Back in December of 2020, I shared about The Characters of Christmas for a Sunday reading post. Today I want to share the follow-up book to The Characters of Christmas called The Characters of Easter.

Easter is only two weeks away, so I am a little late sharing this book. I should have gotten this review up before now, but I wanted to finish the book before I posted about it.
I finished it this week and decided to share it for this month’s Sunday reading. You might not finish reading this by Easter this year, but it is still worth your time.
I think this book will help make the story of Christ’s death and resurrection more meaningful to you, even if you don’t read it at Easter.
The Characters of Easter is basically a walk through the Easter story.

It takes you back to the time and place of the death of Christ. It shares the backstory of the people and places during that time.
It shares the story of John Judas, Barabbas, Pilate, and more. In sharing these stories you get a better feel for what those around Christ were going through the week of His death.
I think this book is summed up best by this quote from page 158.

“Jesus saves paupers and politicians, presidents and pawnbrokers, partyers and the pious. Resurrection power is not limited and even today breathes life into dead souls where we least expect it.”
The story of Easter and Christ’s death on the cross is that He saves.
We know the Easter story, but this book gives a more in-depth look at Christ’s death and I think it will give you more appreciation for what His death means.
If you enjoyed The Characters of Christmas I think you will enjoy this one too.
This book would make a great gift. It would make an even better gift paired with The Characters of Christmas.
It looks like Daniel Darling is going to continue writing books in this series. I already preordered the next one The Characters of Creation.