Elon Musk book by Walter Isaacson

Book Review of
Elon Musk

Author: Walter Isaacson
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Lynn's Review

Elon Musk book by Walter Isaacson

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson was published in 2023.

Books about complicated controversial people make the best biographies. Why? Because their lives and the things that made them who they are can be fascinating to read about, especially in the hands of a great author. 

This book is exactly that. It doesn’t matter if like like or dislike Elon Musk. His life and how he got to where he is, is a pretty amazing story. It is made even more interesting when it is Walter Isaacson writing that story. 

I love biographies. They are some of my favorite nonfiction books. I love to learn about people, especially ones that I do not know much about. I enjoy reading about what makes them who they are and how they have accomplished what they have. 

I did not know a lot about Elon Musk. I knew that he worked at Paypal, but I had no idea how much he actually was involved in it. I knew that he owned Tesla, but I did not know much at all about Tesla. I also knew that he owned SpaceX, but I had no clue what that all involved. 

I also did not know about all the other companies that he owns and the products that he has developed. 

I knew that he was from South Africa, but I did not know how difficult his childhood was and how hard he worked to overcome it. 

Like him or hate him, his life makes for a fascinating read. 

Elon Musk is a complicated, hard-working, driven, passionate, impulsive, person who has accomplished a lot. And he is only in his fifties, so he will probably accomplish a lot more. 

I don’t think you have to agree with Elon Musk or be a fan of his to realize that he has done some pretty big things when it comes to cars, technology, space, and more. 

I also think that even fans will admit that his style of doing things is not always the best way. 

That is why I think anyone can enjoy this book. 

Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson is not just a biography. It is a book about overcoming difficult things. It is about the success that comes from hard work. It is a book about science and technology.

It will teach you lessons about the importance of good leadership and the problems with bad leadership. It will show you when impulsive behavior works for good and when it can be destructive. 

It will also remind you that brilliant people are often super complicated people who have been scarred because they do not fit into the world around them.

This is one of those books that would be valuable for any business owner or leader to read because you can learn a lot from reading about the life of Elon Musk. 

This is the second book by Walter Isaacson that I have read and loved. I am now adding his other books to my to-be-read stack. 


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