February ended up being a good reading month for me as far as the number of books that I read. That was mainly due to a trip to see family.

I had several long plane rides and long layovers. That is also the reason I had several audiobooks on this month’s list. I have realized that during a long day of travel, I can’t always focus well on reading, but an audiobook works great.
I can easily listen to an audiobook while I wait sitting and walking around the airport.
This month was full of good reads, but not great reads for me. In other words, I liked most of what I read, but I didn’t love it. I didn’t have any five star reads this month. Some months are just like that though.
February 2022 Reads
Be sure to click on the title of each book for my full review.

At The Mountains Edge by Genevieve Graham
I recently saw an online interview with Genevieve Graham and I instantly knew that I wanted to read her books. I am sharing my thoughts on this one and I can’t wait to read more books by her.

The Girl In the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen
Julie Klassen is always a go-to author for me when I want an easy to read, clean, historical fiction romance type book. The Girl In the Gatehouse was a little bit cheesy, so you might want to read my full review on this one.

Where the Light Fell by Philip Yancey
I am still not a hundred percent sure what I thought of this book, but I do know that I can’t stop thinking about it. I am sharing more thoughts in my full review.

The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin
The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin is about the Gilded Age when it was common for wealthy young women to marry English Dukes and Lords. Be sure to read my full review.

The American Duchess by Karen Harper
I am not sure why I choose to read two book about wealthy Americans marrying English Lords and Dukes in the same month. I think I would have enjoyed these books better if I had not read them so close together. I am sharing mixed thoughts in my full review.

The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict
I am not sure what to think of The Mystery of Mrs. Christie. It really was an odd reading month for me with several books that I am just not sure about. Be sure to read my full review if you are thinking about reading this one.

Murder at Wakehurst by Alyssa Maxwell
This is the most recent book in the Gilded Newport Mystery series. This is a cozy mystery series set in Newport, Rhode Island during the Gilded Age. These books don’t have to be read in order, but the characters will make a lot more sense if you do read them in order. If you enjoy cozy mysteries this is a good series.

If You Ask Me by Betty White
I have realized that I enjoy celebrity memoirs as audiobooks. I listened to If You Ask Me on audio and Betty White reading it was so much fun. Be sure to read my full review.

Sisters in Arms by Kaia Alders
I got Sisters in Arms when I was trying to use up my points before I canceled my Book of the Month Subscription. I don’t mind sharing when I don’t like a book and I am giving an honest review of this one and what I didn’t like about it.

Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci
I listened to this one on audio. Overall I enjoyed it, but be sure to read my full review though because this one might not be for everyone.