Podcasts That We Love (All Things Food)

Podcasts That We Love

Most readers love to learn, and that is why we read.

It doesn’t matter if they are fiction or nonfiction. Reading takes us places we could never go. Books teach us things we would never learn without reading.

A love of reading goes hand in hand with a love of learning new things.

One of our goals is to help you not only find good books, but to help you find things that will teach you new things. Things that will help you learn and make you think.

One of the best ways to learn new things is to read. But in the online social media driven world that we live in, there are so many ways to learn today.

An example of that are podcasts. Now, podcasts have been around for awhile, but they are becoming even more popular.

I love them because I can multitask while listening to them. I can learn about people, places, events, and all kinds of topics while cleaning my house, exercising, folding laundry, driving, and more.

Podcasts are available in a wide range of topics. You can find podcasts based on fictional stories. You can find ones with topics such as history, science, political topics, religious and preaching type of podcasts, self help, how to, and so many more topics. There is pretty much a podcast for just about any subject that you could want.

We love history and nonfiction, so the podcasts we tend to like are the history, science, how to, type of podcasts. But we occasionally mix it up with other ones too.

Because we love listening to podcasts and learning new things we are going to occasionally share some podcasts episodes that we listened to and enjoyed.

Today’s list of favorite podcast episodes is all about food!

Besides working here at From Our Bookshelf, I also run the website Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures. So food is a topic that I love!

Stuff You Missed in History Class We All Scream For Ice Cream

There is actually some debate on the history of ice cream. No one seems to know for sure when or who developed it. But I think we can all agree that it is a wonderful treat that Americans and many others enjoy.

This episode was fun to listen to because it shared some of the history of ice cream both in the United States and around the world. Warning though you might want a bowl of ice cream after listening to this! Click here for the episode and more information. 

How I Built This Bob Moore

I feel like I am a little late in discovering NPR’s How I Built This podcast. It has been around for awhile, but I only discovered it a few months ago. I enjoy reading books about how businesses were built. Books like Shoe Dog the story of how NIKE was built are some of my favorite books to read.

So a podcasts all about entrepreneurs and building businesses is a great fit for me.  I have listened to quite a few episodes of How I Built This and I love it. Except for the language…Some episodes have quite a bit. Besides that it is quickly becoming one of my favorite podcasts.

One of the ones I listened to recently was the Story of Bob’s Red Mill. I grew up in Oregon and remember my friend’s family visiting the store to buy whole wheat products back in the early 1990’s. I have also read the book People Before Profit, which is the story of Bob’s Red Mill.

I enjoyed this podcast episode though because of just reading a story like I did with the book, it was an interview with Bob Moore. It was interesting to hear his voice and perspective first hand. If you love Bob’s Red Mill products, I think you will enjoy the How I Built This episode with Bob Moore. 

How I Built This Chicken Salad Chick

The episode of How I Built This with the Chicken Salad Chick is an example of why I love listening to podcasts. I knew nothing about the Chicken Salad Chick or the Chicken Salad Chick restaurants. Apparently they are a big thing in the south and haven’t expanded to my area yet.

Stacy Brown, also known as the Chicken Salad Chick, started her business out of necessity. She loved chicken salad and was good at making it. She took something she loved and turned it into a huge business. I learned a lot about Stacy, her business, and chicken salad. I was also reminded that people in the southern part of the United States take chicken salad serious. For the episode and more information click here.

How I Built This RXBAR

I almost didn’t mention this episode because there is a lot of language. Instead of the usual one or two words, this episode has a lot. They even give that disclaimer at the beginning of the episode. This story though is so good. Peter Rahal talks how the business went from his parents basement to being sold for $600 million in just a few short years. He saw a need. He developed a product to fill that need and people loved it. For the episode click here. 

The Moment with Brian Koppelman Interview with Alton Brown (Episode 44)

Grace recently listened to episode forty four of The Moment with Brian Koppelman where we interviewed Alton Brown. Neither of us have listened to The Moment with Brian Koppelman before, but we used to watch Good Eats with Alton Brown all the time. Grace really enjoyed this podcast where they talked about food, the show Good Eats, Iron Chef American, and more. If you like Alton Brown this is a good one to listen to. It is episode 44.

I am always looking for new podcasts to listen to so please leave a comment letting me know what your favorite podcast is to listen to.


2 thoughts on “Podcasts That We Love (All Things Food)”

  1. If you enjoy food podcasts I think you would like “Your Last Meal With Rachel Belle”. Rachel Belle, a radio personality in Seattle, interviews guests about what their last meal would be then researches each dish’s origins, preparation and cultural influence. It was nominated for the 2018 James Beard Award for Best Podcast. It is interesting and very entertaining.

    • I have not heard of that one. I just looked at it and there are several episodes that sound great. Thank you! Adding it to my list to listen to.


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