Read Wherever You Are

Read Wherever You Are

Want to know how to read more? Read wherever you are.

People often ask me how I am able to read so many books in a year. Well, one of the ways is a simple one. It is to read wherever you are and whenever you have time.

I know that sounds too simple easy, but it is the number one tip I can give you for reading more.

Grace shared the picture above on Instagram a few weeks ago while we were waiting at a doctor’s appointment. Both of us took books with us to the appointment because we knew there would be time to read in the waiting room and in the room waiting for the doctor.

Instead of getting on our phones to browse social media or read the news while we waited, we both read and actually got quite a few pages read.

Read Wherever You Are

We keep a books with us all the time. If you keep a book with you at all times, it makes it easy to grab it and read a few pages while you wait. It doesn’t matter where you are. If you are waiting somewhere, you can usually read.

Books can be a pain to carry around, so get a Kindle to keep in your purse, bag, or on your bedside table. Put the Kindle app, or another app for reading ebooks, on your phone.

My Kindle is full of ebooks, and I have only paid full price for a couple of them. There are always ebook deals, and there are often good ebooks on sale.

Many library have Overdrive or a similar system that lets you check out ebooks.  It is a great way to read more on your Kindle or phone.

A couple of years ago we did Kindle Unlimited. (They currently have a 30 day free trial.) It was well worth it for us at the time. Now my daughter and I use Scribd and love it. There are all kinds of ebooks on Scribd for a monthly fee.

With the technology we have today, it is easy to always have some sort of book or ebook with you.

It is all about making an effort to read, so read while waiting at doctors appointments or for your kids at school pick up. Read while waiting for your kids while they are at music lessons or sports practice. Whenever you can, read a book instead of scrolling Facebook or Instagram.

One of Grace’s favorite quotes of Louis L’amour is “Often I hear people say they do not have time to read. That’s absolute nonsense. In the one year during which I kept that kind of record, I read twenty-five books while waiting for people. In offices, applying for jobs, waiting to see a dentist, waiting in a restaurant for friends, many such places.”

I agree with her that it is a great quote and one to remember. Even if you only get a few pages read, it is still worth it. A few pages here and there quickly add up to a whole book.

Louis L'Amour Reading Quote

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