Reading Goals 2025

Today, I am sharing my reading goals for 2025. I am not big on New Year’s resolutions but like setting basic reading goals each year.

I have found that I like to reevaluate at the end of each year to see what I want to change in the months ahead. I like a plan but don’t like to be boxed in with my goals, so I keep my goals relatively basic and broad.

nonfiction and fiction book covers

Past Reading Goals

When it comes to reading, I set some goals for some years, and some years I don’t.

In 2017, I challenged myself to read one hundred books. I had not read that many books in years, so I was thrilled when I hit that goal.

Stack of Nonfiction Books for Every State

In 2018 and 2019, I challenged myself to read a nonfiction book for every state in the U.S. This challenge was fun. It took me two years to complete, but I learned so much about the people and culture of the U.S.

In 2020, I did not have any reading goals, which ended up being a good thing.

In 2021, I challenged myself to read only backlist books. I kept getting distracted by all the new books being promoted in the social media world, so I only read older releases. This challenge helped me find many great books I knew nothing about.

In 2022, I did not set any specific goals when it comes to reading.

stack of fiction books to be read in 2023 on a chair

In 2023, I made a list of fiction and nonfiction books I wanted to read. I got easily distracted with other books in 2023, and I failed at this reading goal. I read a lot of books in 2023 but did not come close to finishing the list of books I wanted to. However, regarding the number of books I read, 2023 was my best reading year ever, so it was still a good year.

In 2024, I challenged myself to read mainly the books I own and the backlist books of authors I love. This challenge was very loose. I would say that I kind of accomplished it. I did read quite a few books that I already owned, but I also bought and read quite a few new books. I also didn’t read as many of the backlist books of authors I have loved as I had hoped.

stack of fiction and nonfiction books

2025 Reading Goals

As I mentioned in my favorite books of the year post, I have mixed thoughts on my 2024 reading. It was an okay year, but not a great year.

I read one hundred and nine books, a significant number of books, but I had very few five-star reads.

I also read a lot of light and easy books. Some of this was due to health issues. I had times when I didn’t feel well, and my mind had trouble focusing on reading books, which took a lot of thought. But I also just picked up a lot more light and easy reads in 2024.

For 2025, I want to find a better balance of nonfiction and fiction. I want also to find a better balance of light and fun reads and more thought provoking books that teach me something.

I hope focusing on this will help me find more books that I love and can’t stop thinking about.

lots of nonfiction book covers

Overall, I want to focus on quality, not quantity. To do that, I decided to give myself more of a theme than a goal for 2025.

I want to read to learn, so I am calling my 2025 reading a year of learning through books.

Reading is always a way to learn, but I want to read with more of a focus on learning than usual.

I want to read nonfiction and fiction that takes me to places I will never go and teach me parts of history I did not know.

I want to read books that challenge me to think and explore.

fiction book covers

I love historical fiction, so that fits right into my goal of learning through reading.

I have always loved nonfiction but have read much less of it over the last two or three years. This year, I want to read more nonfiction.

As I think about my all-time favorite books, I find they are almost all nonfiction. The books that have impacted me over the years are nonfiction.

They are almost all biography, memoir, or historical event-type books, so those are the nonfiction books I want to focus on this year. Since those categories are pretty broad, I think this will be fairly easy to do.

I have also realized that I keep putting off reading many memoirs, biographies, true crime, historical books, and Christian books in my to-be-read stack. I skip over them not because I don’t want to read them but because many are 500-plus page books.

I tend to choose shorter books if my goal is a certain number of books. So, in 2025, I want to ignore the page count and read what I want and will enjoy. I want to focus on the quality of books, not the number of books I read.

nonfiction book cover

I do have a couple of goals outside of just learning through books this year.

Since I want to read more nonfiction, I will try to read one memoir, one biography or historical book, and one Christian book each month. I might not get it done each month, but if I can even come close to accomplishing that, I will increase my nonfiction reading this year.

I can’t wait to share the books I read for my year of learning through books in 2025.

I can’t wait to see what my 2025 reading holds!

I would love to hear your reading goals for 2025. Do you have any?

10 thoughts on “Reading Goals 2025”

  1. These are wonderful goals! I love the goal of reading a book for every state that you had a few years back. This year, my goal is to get through my TBR. It’s literally climbing up my wall!

  2. My goal is to not get any books from the library this year! I have so many I own that I want to read, and the library distracts me from my own shelves. I’m excited about it!

  3. I love how you keep your goals broad and that it allows you a lot of room for choice. I’m kind of participating in a read-along this year, reading a L.M. Montgomery book each month. It was set up by a gal on YouTube but the discussions will take place on Facebook. I don’t have Facebook, so instead it’s become more of a buddy read plan for me and my sister. I’ve not done anything like this before and am curious if we’ll keep it up all year.

    It sounds like reading what you own is a common desire. It was my 2024 goal and didn’t turn out as well as I’d wanted. I read 21 books I owned and 27 from the library.

    So in 2025 I have the same goal and am shooting for reading 2 books I own for every 1 library book. Of course, it’s only January 7th and yesterday I brought home 3 more library books! Yikes! I’ve decided it would be helpful if our library had a drive-through window so I could pull up and collect what my husband has put on reserve without having to step inside. 🙂

    • I love the L.M Montgomery goal of reading one a month. I have read the Anne of Green Gables series and one or two of her other books, but that is all. Reading one a month is a great way to read some of her lesser known books.

      Yes, the library is so tempting, so are bookstores. There are so many books to read and not enough time.

      • Oh yes, bookstores are tempting too. Looking again at the 21 books I owned that I read in 2024, 10 of those I bought durning the year. So really only 1/4 of my reading last year was books I owned from the start of 2024. Buying a bunch of books kind of defeats the purpose of the read-what-I-own goal.

        I don’t want to go on a complete buying moratorium though, but maybe will institute a reward system, such as letting myself buy 1 new book for every 10 already-owned books finished. That will not only encourage me to read what’s already on my shelf, but should also lead to more intentional selection when I do go book shopping. I’ll have to think on it a bit more if the 1:10 is a good ratio or if something else will be better.

  4. Hi Lynn, I would so appreciate it if you have an actual list of books started for 2025.
    Do you have some books listed for your goal that you could share?
    Thank you in advance for your suggestions. I usually go to your blog first when deciding what books seem intriguing!

    • I will try to put toghether a list of books I hope to read for this goal in 2025. When it comes to fiction I plan to read a lot of historical ficton, because I always learn so much reading historical fiction.

  5. I should have added my own reading goals 😊
    My daughter and I are starting a 2025 book bingo from Moody Publishers. It should be fun as well as challenging us to go beyond our usually read genres.
    I also want to read more from the books we own along with the library resources instead of purchasing. Although, when I can’t find a particular book at the library I intend to hit the used bookstores first.
    By the way, I just started Crow Mary and after only a couple of chapters in I see why you recommend it so highly.
    Thank you again for all of your wonderful suggestions!


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