This year I decided to challenge myself to really tackle my to read pile. In the last two years, I have bought way more books and ebooks than I have read. Too many books is not a bad thing, but my to read pile turned into a to read shelf that quickly turned into another large pile of books on my bedroom floor.
Instead of buying books, I need to read more of what I have. So, for 2018 I am buying fewer books and reading more from my own to read pile. Let’s hope I can stick to this goal.
I thought it would help if I choose ten books that I wanted to make sure to read, especially ones that have been in my to read pile for a long time. I actually had trouble narrowing it down to just ten, but I wanted to stick to a very doable goal when it came to reading exact books. I won’t have trouble reading ten books, but I might have trouble not getting distracted by new more interesting books.
Here are the ten non-fiction books that I want to be sure to read in 2018!
Mrs. Sherlock Holmes– I have seen this reviewed quite a few places and it looks so interesting. I bought the hardcover version last year, but never got around to reading it. I think it will be one of my first books of 2018.
Code Girls– I have read quite a few books on WWII, but this is a subject that I don’t know much about. I can’t wait to read it.
American Fire– I bought this a few months ago because it looked like a fascinating book, but I haven’t taken the time to read it yet. It is moving up the pile and I am determined to get it read.
The Boys In the Boat– My daughter read this and keeps telling me that I need to read it. Multiple other people have told me it is a must read, so I put it on my list for the year.
Out of the Depths- Another book the my daughter read that she said was really good.
The Bad Ass Librarians of Timbuktu– I bought this last year because it sounded like such an interesting story.
Dust Bowl Girls– This is a recent purchase for me. I don’t need any more books in to my read pile, but this one takes place in Oklahoma, which is where I live. As soon as I knew that, I knew it was a must read.
The Zoo Keeper’s Wife– Another one my daughter read and loved and told me was a must read.
Coming Clean– Multiple people have recommended this one to me.
Extraordinary Ordinary People– I enjoy reading memoirs and picked this one up when I saw it at a used bookstore because it sounds like a very inspirational read. No matter your politics or beliefs, I find books about successful people interesting.
What is on your to read list for 2018?