Looking for a new and educational podcast for your family or your kids?
Education has been a huge part of our family life. This year marks my sixteenth year of homeschooling. My oldest two are in college, and my youngest only has two years left.
Over the years of homeschooling, we have learned a lot, made mistakes, learned some more, and created some wonderful memories. I wouldn’t change our years of homeschooling for anything. Our days haven’t been perfect, but they have been worth it.
One of the the things that I have realized over the years is that learning doesn’t always happen in books and workbooks. They are a big part, but not the only part. Kids often do better when learning is interesting and fun.
It doesn’t matter if you home school, public school, or private school, if we help make learning fun, kids will enjoy it more.
Teach them to love learning, and they will love it for life!
One of the ways that you can make learning and reading fun is to listen to audio books. We love audio books and listened to them all the time when my kids were younger.
They were great for listening in the car, during a meal, during afternoon quiet time, while coloring, and more.
The main thing about audio books though is that the narrator has to be good. Some people have great voices for narrating. Some not so much.
A good voice pulls you in and makes the story interesting and fun.
That is why I am loving The Same Page podcast. I wish this had been around when my kids were younger. You might be thinking is it a podcast or an audio book. The answer is yes. It is a podcast that releases a new chapter of a kids book four times a week.
MacKenzie, the voice of The Same Page, has a great audio voice. She makes it so interesting and fun.
Once a week she releases a short podcast that includes memory work, poetry, and short historical facts. That part is great, but what I really love is the chapter of a classic kids book that she releases four times a week.
Right now she is doing Wizard of Oz, and I have listened to several chapters of it. I loved it.
My kids are beyond their Wizard of Oz years. My two older kids have moved on to college classes like literature, creative writing, statistics, anatomy lab, etc. My son is working on Chemistry, Government, and other fun classes that 11th graders get to take. I am pretty sure they won’t be listening to Wizard of Oz anytime soon, but I wish we would have had this when they were little.
The Same Page Wizard of Oz, is the perfect quick listen. They are around 10 minutes each. So they would be great for a quick car ride to school or an activity. They would work well for listening during breakfast or lunch, or while they do chores around the house.
If you have young kids, or if you love audio books and have never read some of the classic kids books list Wizard of Oz, I highly recommend The Same Page Podcast, especially the audio book portion of it.