I am so excited for this new series where I share what I am reading every Sunday. It is just what I need to help keep me motivated to reach my reading goal for the year. Each week I plan to share the books I finished, the books I am currently reading, and what I think of them.
One of the things you will quickly realize about me is that I almost always have at least three books going at the same time. Some of the time, like this week, it is more like six or more… I know that this drives many people crazy, but it works for me.
My kids can’t believe I read this many books at a time. They usually have two books going. One serious and one fun book. I like to have quite a few books going at once though.
I usually have a non-fiction history or biography, a fun fiction book, a Christian book, and usually a business or time management type book. Plus, I like to have a fiction and a non-fiction on my Kindle that I read when I am not at home. It all adds up to a lot of books going at once.
Yes, it is a bit crazy, but it really does work for me.
It allows me to read something no matter what mood I am in or how much time I have.
This week I finished four books. I know that sounds like a lot, but several of these are books I have been reading for awhile. I was trying to finish them up before the end of the year and it didn’t happen. I was determined to get them done this week and I am glad that I did.
Books Finished This Week
- How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind by Dana White– I started this book last fall when I was sent a free copy to review. I know Dana and love her blog. Her book was a great read. The book took me awhile to get though, mainly because of the holidays and me not wanting to think about organizing at the time, but it is a great read. You can read my full review of it here.
- Wildwood by Colin Meloy– I have heard about this book for awhile and finally decided to read it. It is considered a children’s books, but I decided to read it anyway since it sounded like a fun book. One of the main reasons I wanted to read this book is that it takes place in Portland. I grew up in Oregon, west of Portland, and know the area well. I loved that about the book. The rest of the book I had mixed feelings on. You can read my review of it here.
- Running the Race Eric Liddell by John W. Keddie– I love biographies, especially Christian biographies. Many of the Christian biographies I read as a teen impacted me in ways that have lasted years. They also gave me a love of biographies that I think will last a lifetime. They are my favorite books to read. I started this book months ago. It has taken me awhile to get through. This book was good and well worth reading, but I am not a sports fan. This usually isn’t a problem when reading books like this, but the first half of the book was heavy on sports facts and stats. Some people love that, but for me I could only take so much of that at one time. Thus the reason why it took me so long to get through. You can find my full thoughts on the book here.
- Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery– I am not a huge rereader. In fact, I can only count a few books that I have read more than once, but one of my goals for the year is to reread the Anne of Green Gables series. I am going to do a whole post on this soon, but the main reason is that it has been years since I read them and I have forgotten a good portion of these books. I don’t want to forget Anne, so I thought they would be fun to read for this year. And the first book was just that. It was a fun and easy read for the week. I can’t wait to read the next one.
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My Current Reading Stack
- The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines– My girls and I all wanted this for Christmas, so I got it for my oldest daughter and then we kind of fought over who got to read it first.
She read it first, since it was her book. Then my other daughter read it and now it is my turn. I am not very far into it, but so far I am enjoying it.
- Shoe Dog by Phil Knight– My daughter Grace got this for Christmas and loved it. Yes, she already finished it and gave it to me to read. I had not planned on starting it yet, but she finished it while we were waiting at a doctor’s appointment and then handed it to me. I didn’t need another book to read, but since I was holding it and had nothing else to do, I opened it up and started reading it. So far I like it.
- Day of Honey by Annia Ciezadlo– This is a food memoir I started back in November. I am enjoying it, but it is a bit of a slow read for me. I am about halfway through it. The main reason it is slow is that it is a tough subject in our modern world and I have to be in the right mood to read it. The writing style is also ok, but not my favorite. I only pick it up occasionally to read, so it might take me a little longer to get through it.
- A Night to Remember by Walter Lord– This is another one that I have been reading for months and am reading very slowly. It is another one that I have to be in the mood for and I find myself just reading a little bit every week or so.
- Belgravia by Julian Fellowes– This is my fun read on my Kindle. I read it when I am waiting at doctor’s appointments or for my kids and don’t have a lot of time for a serious read. I like quick and easy reads for times like that. I got this book when the Kindle version was on sale really cheap a few months ago. I am over halfway through it and have mixed feelings. I will share more of my thoughts after I finish it. Has anyone read this one? I would love to hear your thoughts if you have.
- Battlefields and Blessings by Larkin Spivey– This is actually a daily devotional type of book, but I am not reading it like that. It is set up so that every day is a different short story about a person or event from WWII that showed faith and courage in Christ. I plan to just pick this one up and read a few pages once in awhile. It is an easy book to start and stop since every page is about a different person or event. I am only a little bit into it, but so far it is good.
I would love to hear what you are reading this week? Have you found any good books that I need to know about?