I have posted before about Book of the Month Club, but today I am sharing why I am stopping my subscription to Book of the Month Club.

I got my first Book of the Month Club book way back in September of 2018. I have been a member ever since, but last month the Book of the Month Club and I broke up.
And I have reasons why I am quitting the Book of the Month Club, which I want to share with you guys.
I have been meaning to write this post for months, but I keep putting it off. Last month I finally used up all my credits and canceled my subscription, so I knew that it was time to share my thoughts.
This is a totally honest review. Book of the Month has no clue who I am besides what they know about any of their members. I bought and paid for my subscription, and after a couple of years of getting books, I am sharing some updated thoughts.
I know a lot of people love Book of the Month. It is a book subscription service that has been around for years. Although it has been owned by several companies over the years, it was founded in 1926. This means it has been in existence for almost one hundred years.
I can see why people love it. It is so much fun to get a new book every month in the mail. Although the quality of the books, as in the binding, cover, etc., is not as good as you get elsewhere, they are a great price for what you get.
I definitely feel like I am in the minority on leaving Book of the Month and that my opinion is not a popular one, but I am all about keeping it real, even when it comes to books, so you are getting my real thoughts.
The reality is that the Book of the Month books are not really the type of books that I read.
What I Read
My year of backlist books challenge has really helped me pay attention to the type of books that I like and don’t like.
It has also helped me realize that I need to stop wasting time on books that I know are not for me. That is not to say that I don’t want to read outside my comfort zone, but it is more that I am probably never going to be a fan of thrillers or hot new romance novels.
I read a lot of nonfiction, historical fiction, and cozy mysteries. I can’t remember the last time I read a thriller or sci-fi book. I also don’t read very much contemporary fiction or romance. And I am paying more attention to that fact.

What changed at Book of the Month Club?
When I first joined Book of the Month, they almost always had one nonfiction book to choose from each month. One of the months, I chose the book The Splendid and the Vile, one of my favorite reads of 2020.
They also used to offer a lot more memoirs. Several of the books that I got and enjoyed the first year or so were memoirs.
But throughout 2020 and into 2021, the books offered by Book of the Month changed. They were offering more of the hot topic books that publishers and celebrity book clubs were pushing. They also had a lot more modern romance reads, contemporary fiction, and Sci-Fi books.
I feel like they are focusing more on trendy books than the quality of books. I care more about reading a great book with great writing than I do reading about a hot topic or current trend.
Now I will say that I don’t tend to like hot topic or trending fiction books in general. I read a lot of nonfiction, and I read a lot of backlist books.
A book that is an Oprah book club pick or a Reese book club pick is one that I would usually skip. Those just aren’t the books that I usually enjoy reading.
I am also more of a PG reader, and I don’t read a ton of romance.
I read some clean romance, and I will read an occasion PG-13 book, but I don’t enjoy books that are considered open door or what I would consider R-rated. I don’t want to read super descriptive romance scenes, even if that is what is super popular right now or considered well written.
I read to relax. I read to learn. I don’t usually like to read a book on a certain topics because they are what is getting the attention right now. I like to read a variety, and often, I read what I am in the mood for, and this often is found in less popular books, odd topic books, or older ones.
Sometimes I feel like Book of the Month is focusing more on certain trendy topics for their readers rather than on giving a variety of topics every month so that readers can find new topics, stories, ideas to learn or read on every month.
If Book of the Month Clubs was still offering one nonfiction book a month like, The Splendid and the Vile or The Hurricane’s Eye, that they offered in 2019 and 2020, I would not be canceling my subscription.

Skipping Month.
I ended up skipping a lot of months over the last two years. I think I skipped more months than I got books in the last eighteen months.
I love that they allow you to skip a month, but when you keep skipping months, you build up a lot of credits.
I have gotten a few books this year that I will probably read, like the books Four Winds and Sisters In Arms, but there haven’t been very many options that I will actually read, which is why we skipped so many months.

Pausing Your Account
Over the last year, I struggled to use up my credits. A couple of months ago I called Book of the Month because my account was set to renew. I had quite a few credits built up, and I did not want to renew just to let them go to waste.
They graciously offered to pause my account for a few months to give me a chance to use the credits before I was billed again. This worked well because I didn’t want my credits to go to waste. I was so happy that they allowed me to do this. I loved this part of Book of the Month.
Over the last couple of months, my daughter and I knew we needed to use up the credits, but we struggled to pick books we thought we would read.
My daughter picked out a couple of sci-fi books that she might read at some point as a relaxing read, but we will probably end up giving away several of the books we got because they are not books that we will read.
Basically, we were just trying to use up our credits before we got charged again.
Once we had used our credits up, I knew that it was time to cancel.

How to cancel Book of the Month Club.
It was a little more complicated to cancel than I thought it would be. You have to call to cancel. You cannot cancel just by going into your membership and canceling it. Or you couldn’t when I went to cancel mine.
I don’t like that they make you do that. I can’t think of another membership that I have that forces you to call to cancel.
When I called to cancel, they tried hard to convince me to stay. Like really hard. It was a little irritating as the decision had been made months before. They didn’t seem to understand that the books they were offering were not the type of books that I read.
I felt like they were trying to convince me I should be willing to read the books that they offered.
This actually, though, only made me more convinced that Book of the Month wasn’t for me.
I like the idea of Book of the Month. I see why a lot of people love it, but it just isn’t the right option for me.

A 2024 Update
I originally wrote this review of Book of the Month Club in November 2021, so I thought it was time to revisit Book of the Month Club in 2024.
Since I quit Book of the Month Club back in 2021, I hadn’t really paid attention to their monthly book. I would occasionally see things about them on Instagram, but besides that I did not keep up on their books.
Earlier this year, I decided to give it a try again for a few months to see if it would be a better fit.
It wasn’t.

In the first couple of months, I found a couple of interesting books. One of them was Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate. I ended up loving Shelterwood, but the other books were either ones that I didn’t love or are still in my to-be-read stack because they didn’t sound all that interesting.
I ended up skipping July, August, September, October, and November because none of the books interested me.
After skipping so many months again, I knew that the books that they offer were still not for me.
There is still very few nonfiction books and very few historical fiction books.
It also seems like a lot of the books that are popular are in the add on options, not the main sections. That means you have to choose a main selection that you don’t really want to choose an add on that you do want.
After trying Book of the Month Club again three years later, I still do not think it is a good fit for me.
It was much easier to cancel this time than it was a few years ago. I was able to log in to my settings and cancel without having to talk to anyone on the phone. However, I did feel like they still tried hard to convince you to stay.
I would love to hear what you think of the Book of the Month Club if you have tried it.
Do you enjoy Book of the Month Club?
I did not love my Book of the Month subscription, but I do love my Shelf Subscription from The Bookshelf in Thomasville. If you are looking for an alternative to Book of the Month Club I think you might enjoy Shelf Subscriptions.
I have been tempted to join but I have so many unread books on my shelves anyways that I think my BOM picks would just stack up. I get FOMO with new releases but most of them I don’t want to own so I am trying to utilize my library holds and be patient when I see a buzzy new release. I will support indies for books I deliberately want to purchase and continue to leverage my library heavily. Thanks for sharing your opinion. You definitely aren’t a “mainstream” reader and I don’t think I am either for the most part so those type of subscriptions just aren’t for me.
I think unread books are a problem for most of us readers. Too many books and not enough time… And you are right, I am not a mainstream reader and I am totally fine with that. I am embracing my love of backlist books and nonfiction.
I and like you and love to support independent bookstores too. They need our business.
I totally understand why you would decide to cancel a book of the month club. I used to belong to one, years ago; it sounds like it worked differently than yours, but I also canceled mine. My book reading is personal and varies with what is going on in my life, as well as what I like. During COVID hibernation, I need laughter and smiles and uplifting material in my books. I also read what I want when I want and already have many books to choose from. Like you, no sci-fi, no trendy stuff, no vile scenes or language. Many nonfiction books are too much for me to handle at this time, so the subject matter is carefully weighed by many book reviews before I buy. Even mysteries need to be cozy ones; anything gross or overly violent causes sleep problems. I enjoy reading your book lists and your reviews and will sometimes buy a book you’ve recommended. I especially liked your year of reading books pertaining to each U.S. state–a book-a-state. I hope to do that, maybe in 2022. The variety would be fun, and finding books is almost as much fun and reading them, at least for me.
I guess part of my problem with Book of the Month club was the regularity of a book a month, ready or not. Plus, I didn’t want to be limited by their choices. It seemed like a lack of freedom, and it became annoying. Thank you for your honesty–I think you’ll be surprised to find that many agree with you!
I agree I. I have read more light and fun books the last two years than I normally do. I have read some heavy topic books, but in general, I find myself turning to more cozy reads then normal since COVID. I am so glad that you enjoyed my books from every state challenge and list. It was such a fun challenge that taught me a lot.
You are certainly not alone with your stopping Book of the Month.
I am right behind you. I have not been pleased with many of the book offerings. I get more ideas from your posts than elsewhere. I am reading a Presidental book and following the 50 state recommendations. I am really enjoying those types of books. I love history, historical fiction and biography. When I use my last credit, I too will be canceling. I find many of the books I enjoy on my library site. If it is something I would like a copy of, I buy it. It cuts down on my overflowing bookcases. Thank you for sharing. I totally agree.
I am glad to know that I am not alone. I have felt like I am one of the few that don’t like it. I am so glad that you enjoy my posts and my 50 State recommendations. We love sharing nonfiction books!
Hello! I appreciate your candor, and quit BOTM for almost identical reasons.
I get so tired of the depressing race books, too! We are a mixed race family and don’t view life so dark and down at all.
We also live history and nature books- good non-fiction!
Anyway ~ you are not alone!
I am glad to know that I am not alone when it comes to Book of the Month. It is could be such a good book subscription if they offered better books… And yes on the nonfiction and live history type of books! They are the best kind of books.
I can very much relate to your sentiments. I was a member in the late 1980’s and early 90’s.
I recall reading a book about quantum physics, as well as a collection of poems by Robert Frost. I look back very fondly on those days of “the club”.
I cancelled my subscription after trying it for a year, because so many of the books were “beach reads” or romance, which I’m not really into, generally speaking.
I am glad to know that I am not alone. I agree they have a lot of beach-type reads and I don’t read a lot of those types of books either.
I just joined last month. I’ll see how it goes. Looking forward to reading your blog!
I hope you enjoy Book of the Month. A lot of people love it. And I am so glad that you found my book blog! Thank you for reading.
This post is 100% how I feel. Where’s the nonfiction and good memoirs and quality literature from BOTM? I couldn’t even finish The Hacienda (recent pick) because the writing was soooo bad and hard to follow. Trendy trendy trendy — BOTM is for people who want to post on bookstagram or FB that they are reading about trendy topics-it is not for consistent, discerning readers. I can’t wait to use all my credits and move on…. But it’s soooo hard to find books I think I’ll read. The Sept 2022 list just came out and it’s just a short, pitiful list.
Side note- it is definitely gone downhill, if you look at the monthly options for 2 years ago they are way better-with choices like Educated , and The splendid and the vile …but the good ones from then are all sold out now.
I think they make their money by people buying them as a gift for other people that are readers. That’s how I got my subscription and will not be renewing.
I am glad to know that I am not the only one that feels this way about BOTM. Trendy is a good word for the books they now feature. I agree that the quality of books was much better two years ago. They almost always had a good nonfiction book each month. I was able to finally use my credits up by asking my daughters each month if there was anything they were at least remotely interested in every reading. I was ready to just use up my points and not keep getting more. We ended up with some books we started and did not finish and I have a few BOTM books in my current give away pile, so the last few points I used were kind of a waste of money. I hope someday they go back to featuring more nonfiction and less trendy books.
I renewed my membership for exactly the reasons you quit. I read about 200 books a year. I like romcoms, funny memoirs, sci fi. I’ve enjoyed branding it into other genres over the last few years and found some of my favorite books of the year through Botm like “the city we became” or “the change “ that I don’t know if I would have picked up on my own. Actually had my husband get a membership so I can get 6 books a month.
I am glad BOTM works for you! And wow 200 books a year. I read around a 100 a year, but have never hit 200. Maybe someday I will. I love the idea of a book subscription and my husband and I both get shelf subscriptions from The Bookshelf in Thomasville, FL. It is a better balance for us of what we like and also reading a little outside our normal books. I think it is just finding the one that works for different reading tastes or reading goals. And you are right. The price per book is a great deal with BOTM.
I quit several years ago. I love how it used to be, I had a wish list of all of the books that I wanted to purchase. Every month, I received the next book in line. You could also purchase as many as you wanted to every month.
Then they changed it to how it is now. You can only pick from the books that they have chosen. I’m not interested in the books they choose! I would like to pick my own books!!
I love your post and feel recognized! Someone gifted me with a book subscription to Book of the Month, and there have been a few, but not many, releases that I have enjoyed over the past four or five years since I’ve had it. It has taken me about four years to use all my credits, only 12! I appreciate you speaking your mind, and I wish Book of the Month wasn’t so agenda-driven. They miss out on a lot of great new releases.
I love getting comments like yours because when I shared this about Book of the Month, I felt like I was the only one. I think there are quite a few of us that feel this way. So thank you for sharing!
I joined at the beginning of the pandemic when libraries shut down for a while. I had gone to visit my husband for Spring Break. He was working out of state & I made the big mistake of not taking any books with me. Keeping in mind, I thought I was going for a week. But the pandemic panic hit & I ended up staying for a couple of months. I was able to check out 3 books from a local library, but then it shut down. I was desperate!!!!! Lesson learned: always take at least one book with you when you travel. So I started shopping around & book of the month had a really reasonable offer to join. It was even cheaper than if I had ordered from Half Price Books. So I joined and waited as my book took a kind of crazy amount of time/Covid mail/to reach me. I enjoyed most of what I ordered thru the club. There may have been a few duds. I actually appreciated that I sometimes chose something I might not normally have read. I finally got back home & my library up the street began the option of curbside service & eventually reopened their doors. I am a big fan of the library. The absolute best deal going IMO! And you can request new titles & I hop on wait lists and many times I am the first to get a brand new book. So, I enjoyed BOTM while I was a member. I just could not justify spending money on books I could pick up from my library. I earned BFF status and got a pair of socks & a tote bag before leaving. A free book at end of year & a free birthday book. Also, there was one book I did not care for because of the language & they let me choose another book instead & keep the first one to donate. Honestly if I could afford to stay with them I would have. I was able to cancel via the app. I still like to follow on IG & still have the app. If I see a title I am interested in, I get it from the library. I actually like ReadwithJenna selections & when they were among the 5 on BOTM, it was a win win for me. I did notice for Rom-Com books with the bright covers. Definitely not my cup of tea. It is a fun concept though & yes, it is fun to get book mail. All in all I think the price is fair (though I agree the quality is inferior) & it was easy to manage my account & to cancel after a few years. I have about 30 books from BOTM.
Last Christmas, my sister-in-law gave me a year’s gift subscription to the Book of the Month club, knowing how much I enjoy reading. Like you, I enjoy reading non-fiction and historic fiction (well-researched) and not romance, sci-fi, contemporary fiction, etc. I know she put a great deal of thought into the gift, and at the time, I was thrilled to receive it! However, it is now May and I have ordered and received only two books. This evening, I skipped May’s selections as I have no interest in reading any of the books listed. I just hate she spent money on something that, at this point, seems to have been wasted.
That is such a thoughtful gift for a reader, but Book of the Month no longer seems to be for readers that love nonfiction or historical fiction.

Spot on feelings.
BOTM subscription since 2017.
You’re absolutely correct-books then offered a variation.
I’m definitely not a romance reader, ugh, sorry for the ones that are.
I enjoy non fiction of many areas. Also I do enjoy a very good thriller, true anything, memoirs et all.
One would think that for a book subscription service of nearly 100 years that there would be better actual literary works.
Every month in my opinion is redundant .
So I had quit, then recently rejoined and it’s been about 6 months( credits accrued) and I’m done again for good.
I’m soooo glad that there were more than a few of us that seem to be in agreement .
I’m going to check out your recommendations, Lynn.
Never be afraid to speak up and be your true self, it’s the only way in my opinion.
Happy Reading!
I love this post because of comments like yours! It is nice to know that we are not alone about BOTM.
I know this post is getting old now, but people have still added comments for a few years, so…
I appreciate your honesty. I have also decided to cancel BOTM, because I’ve been unhappy for awhile now. As you mentioned, there used to be more nonfiction selections, essays, memoirs and higher quality literary fiction. Now it’s all simple books for simple people. (You’re nicer than I am.) I feel that the membership itself has declined – based on many comments by BOTM members on Facebook and other social media. So BOTM is, naturally, just dumbing down to make their clientele happy. They have, apparently, decided to cancel the most excellent writers and any difficult material. BOTM is now a candy store. Sorry, I want a full meal, not just dessert.
Thank you for sharing your BOTM thoughts! Yes, this post is old, but I love to hear current thoughts on BOTM. I think you described it well by saying it is a candy store and you want a full meal. As readers we want full meals!
Happy to have stumbled on this after they keep wanting to give me free copes of this “Volume 0” short story zine they have created. I browsed through the two I’ve received. The stories are NOT for me. They are very odd and very dark and leave me with a distinct unpleasant feeling even after merely glancing over these very short stories.
I have been a member since 2015 and have noticed how I kind of feel yucky about the selection most months. Often times the book selections are all very dark, depressing or super trendy and match the books pushed out by Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, etc. I used to love Book of the Month because it brought me new and interesting reads that I hadn’t heard of.
I also agree that the selection has not only declined, but also narrowed in the genres offered. I love historical fiction. I do read some romance and some sci-fi, but every single romance is labeled as salacious. I’m not a prude, but I just don’t need some detailed, TMI description in a romance novel.
I’ve been debating for the last two years, but the increased darkness and/or trendiness of selections is really pushing me away.
You have been a Book of the Month member for a long time! I think trendiness is a great way to describe what Book of them Month Club has become.