Land of Spotted Eagle book cover

Book Review of
Land of the Spotted Eagle

Author: Luther Standing Bear
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Publisher Summary:

When Standing Bear returned to the Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation after sixteen years’ absence, his dismay at the condition of his people may well have served as a catalyst for the writing of this book, first published in 1933. In addition to describing the customs, manners, and traditions of the Teton Sioux, Standing Bear also offered general comments about the importance of Native cultures and values and the status of Indian peoples in American society. With the assistance of Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of ethnology at the University of Michigan, and Warcaziwin, Standing Bear’s niece and secretary, Standing Bear sought to tell the white man “just how” they “lived as Lakotans.”

Land of the Spotted Eagle is generously interspersed with personal reminiscences and anecdotes, including chapters on child rearing, social and political organization, family, religion, and manhood. Standing Bear’s views on Indian affairs and his suggestions for the improvement of white-Indian relations are presented in the two closing chapters.

Grace's Review

Land of Spotted Eagle book cover

If you are seeking to learn more about the Lakota people, Land of the Spotted Eagle is a great way to do that.

It really teaches about the Lakota people and who they are. An insight into their culture is helpful. Standing Bear is a Lakota and worked towards keeping the Native American culture alive thus wrote for people to learn about the Lakota people and aid the Lakota people in keeping the culture alive. Land of the Spotted Eagle also sheds light on how the White people changed the Lakota people.

I read this for school, and yes it was a little dry in some areas and comes from years ago, but it was a worthy read.

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