April was another great reading month for me, but for a not-so-great reason.
I read thirteen books in April, but just like the number of books I read in March, I honestly wish I hadn’t read that much.

As you are looking at the list of books that I read in April, be sure to remember that you should not compare your reading life to mine. All our lives look different, including our reading lives.
I will say that in the craziness of the last two months, and really the last year for me, I am glad that I love to read. When I couldn’t do much else, at least I could read. And it wasn’t a chore. I enjoyed it.
I couldn’t do what I wanted, but at least I could spend time doing something that I truly enjoy. Crossing quite a few books off my ever growing to be read list was an added bonus.

April Reading
Click on the title of the book for more information about the book and my full review.

New Girl In Little Cove by Damhait Monghan. I enjoyed this one but didn’t love the ending.

The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. I think I am in the minority on this one. Or at least it feels that way.

The Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee. I don’t read a lot of YA books, but I enjoy Stacey Lee’s books.

Coronation Year by Jennifer Robson. This is a great book for summer.

Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers. This was a fun mystery read and it is another one that is a great summer read.

The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck. I like this one, but didn’t love it.

Rotten To The Core by T E Kinsley. This is the eighth book in the Lady Hardcastle series, which is one of my favorite mystery series.

Next Year In Havana by Chanel Cleeton. I loved this book! It will probably make my list of top ten fiction books for the year.
I only read five nonfiction books in April. I probably would have read more nonfiction, but one of the books was over 600 pages and it slowed my reading down.

Fly Girl by Anne Hood. I really enjoyed this one.

One Hundred Saturdays by Michael Frank. This was totally different than any other WWII books that I have read.

Path Lit By Lightning by David Maraniss. This is a long book, but I think it is an important book to read because it is about more than just Jim Thorpe.
Christian Nonfiction

The God of the Garden by Andrew Peterson. This was the right book at the right time for me.

Find Your People by Jennie Allen. I really enjoyed this one. It isn’t deep theology, but it is full of practical advice on developing friendships.
Oooh I am very curious about The God of the Garden! I loved his book Adorning the Dark.
I finished six books in April:
1. How to Read Your Bible by Kay Arthur, David Arthur, and Pete DeLacy
2. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
3. The World According to Bertie by Alexander McCall Smith
4. Sisters of Resistance by Tilar J. Mazzeo
5. The Radium Girls by Kate Moore
6. Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Duggar Vuolo
You and I had a little email conversation about Sisters of Resistance. It was excellent and I think you’d enjoy it. Radium Girls was heartbreaking but so so good. It’s one that I will be thinking about for a long time. I read Becoming Free Indeed based on your review of it. I agree her story was well written and done with much respect. I’m glad I read it.
Thanks, as always, for your book posts. It’s always helpful when searching for new books to read. Your April list has several I want to check out in the future.
I am so glad that you enjoyed Becoming Free Indeed. I am also glad that you recommended Sisters of Resistance to me. It is currently in my to-be-read stack that I am hoping to take on vacation soon. I am reading David Ganns’s new book and I think Sisters of Resistance will be my next nonfiction read. I got Radium Girls when the ebook was on sale, but have not read it yet. I have heard great things about it, so I am glad to know that it is good.
Will you be writing a review of David Grann’s new book? I read Killers of the Flower Moon a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it, but I’ve not read any of his others yet.
Yes, I will do a review. I am currently about a third of the way done with it. It is totally different from Killers of the Flower Moon, but it is good so far. I will do a full review when I finish it.
Next Year in Havana is one I’ve been interested in for a while. I’ll have to check it out!
I really enjoyed it and already have the next on in the series in my to be read stack.
Thank you, Lynn. I added several to my ever-growing TBR list. I hope you feel better soon!
A lot of your books are on my to-read list including Coronation Year, Luck of the TItanic, The Wedding Dress, Fly Girl, and The Next Year in Havana. I appreciate your thoughts on them and will try to bump a couple up on my list.
I hope your enjoy them!
I have missed reading your reviews. I love the cover of that first book — watercolors always get me! The Andrew Peterson book looks interesting… I love his music but have yet to read his books (other than Every Moment Holy, which I think he contributes to/ is associated with?)
Linking a new favorite (faith-based) middle-grade WWII novel written by a friend’s sister, if interested!